Heads at 611100N, 1455900W, trends WSW to its end at Camicia Creek, 8 mi NE of Valdez, Chugach Mts. 4 miles long.
Named for Dr. L.S. Camicia, optician and watchmaker of Valdez, who measured the retreat of Valdez Glacier nearly every year from 1898 to 1911. Reported in 1914 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Named after Valdez local Lewis S. Camicia.
A March 20, 1902 newspaper The Alaska Prospector, had an add with a graphic of a pocket watch that read. "Dr. L. S. Camicia, Dentist and Optician, A full line of spectacles on hand. Clocks and watches repaired on short notice. McKinley St."
"Mr. L. S. Camicia, of Valdez, Alaska, a jeweler and optician, died in May, 1912. He was a Swiss, largely self-educated and intensely interested in nature. From 1898 to 1912 he visited Valdez Glacier once a year in the same month and accurately measured its retreat. He is the only resident of Alaska who is known to have maintained annual observations of the behavior of a glacier. He also kept a continuous daily weather record for the fourteen years at his residence in Alaska, and a series of manuscript notes on time and durations of earthquakes at Valdez that checks well with the accurate seismograph records."
Science Vol. XXXVI - July to December 1912 - by John Michels
Valdez Glacier Campground Wall, Lookout Rock, Panorama Point,
Flats:Glaciers:Abercrombie Shelf Glacier, Camicia Glacier, Corbin Glacier, Don Glacier, Glacier G213739E61247N, Glacier G213740E61167N, Glacier G213742E61233N, Glacier G213749E60966N, Glacier G213750E61221N, Glacier G213756E61212N, Glacier G213756E61263N, Glacier G213767E61200N, Glacier G213767E61245N, Glacier G213768E61385N, Glacier G213770E61226N, Glacier G213777E61166N, Glacier G213778E61174N, Glacier G213780E61222N, Glacier G213780E61222N, Glacier G213783E60980N, Glacier G213784E61033N, Glacier G213788E60991N, Glacier G213790E61394N, Glacier G213798E61012N, Glacier G213804E61037N, Glacier G213835E60986N, Glacier G213860E61028N, Glacier G213881E61189N, Glacier G213882E60988N, Glacier G213883E61190N, Glacier G213898E61187N, Glacier G213910E61368N, Glacier G213914E61380N, Glacier G213925E61388N, Glacier G213934E61146N, Glacier G213935E61200N, Glacier G213942E60986N, Glacier G213944E60979N, Glacier G213952E61151N, Glacier G213956E61364N, Glacier G213958E60963N, Glacier G213959E61371N, Glacier G213959E61389N, Glacier G213962E60977N, Glacier G213964E61199N, Glacier G213979E61354N, Glacier G213981E61263N, Glacier G213982E61094N, Glacier G214001E61199N, Glacier G214017E60985N, Glacier G214019E61092N, Glacier G214021E60977N, Glacier G214022E60997N, Glacier G214024E61234N, Glacier G214027E61088N, Glacier G214032E61170N, Glacier G214039E60964N, Glacier G214042E61141N, Glacier G214053E61154N, Glacier G214070E61096N, Glacier G214099E61139N, Glacier G214117E61192N, Glacier G214132E60990N, Glacier G214132E61388N, Glacier G214139E61173N, Glacier G214151E61165N, Glacier G214155E61379N, Glacier G214161E61234N, G-g-g-g-g Glacier, Hogback Glacier, Keystone Glacier, Klutina Glacier, Rubin Glacier, Scorpion Glacier, Sheep Creek Glacier, Tsina Glacier, Valdez Glacier,
Hills:Routes:Bridal Veil Falls (Ice Climb), Cidersicle, Crystal Visions, Diamond in the Sky, Dire Straits, Fang Gully, Fishing for Fools, Flying Cloud, Foolagain, Glass Onion, Greensteps, Hanging Tree Left, Hanging Tree Right, Horsetail Falls (Ice Climb), Hung Jury, Jaws Wall, Mud Slide, My Three Rats, Oil Slick, Popsicle Pillar, POS, Simple Twist of Fate, Ski Race, The Bight, VAC,
Lakes:Crater Lake, Deep Lake, Robe Lake, Trap Lake, Valdez Glacier Lake,
Locales:Airport Chute, Alaska Guide Company - Office, Basin Cove, Delta Chute, Grant Chute, Lookout Bowl, Tombstone Wall,
Mine:Mountains:Prospectors Peak, Abercrombie Mountain, East Peak, Mount Francis, Hogsback, Meteorite Mountain, Mount Schrader, Sugarloaf Mountain, Townsend Peak, Valdez Summit, West Peak,
Peaks:Bob's Knob, Mount Bonet, Comstock, Embick, F-Top, Heidi Peak, High Back, Satellite, Titan Chair, Whistlers Mother,
Rivers:Routes:Lazy Days, No Floss Necessary, Route number 1, Route number 3, Trim the Bush, Wet Finish,
Routes:Already Herd, Bicentennial, Bongo That Bitch, Brand New, Canadian Heat Wave, Cotter Unlimited, Danger Stranger, Dragon's Teeth, Dynosaur, The Firing Line, Gusel Jugs, Harristotle, Kentner's Mill, Leaf BlowersL, Ledgeway to Sleven, Lefty Lucy, People Get Up And Drive Your Funky Soul, Quartzsite's Strike, Reacharound, Redheaded Stepchild, Righty Tighty, Route number 2, Slabawooke, The Nose Knows, Your Favorite Weapon,
Streams:Abercrombie Creek, Bear Creek, Brown Creek, Browns Creek, Cameron Creek, Camicia Creek, Canyon Slough, Corbin Creek, Goat Creek, Slater Creek, Valdez Glacier Stream,
Routes:Browns Creek Trail, Dayville Power Line Trail, East Peak Access Trail, Mount Francis Winter Trail, Hogsback Trail, Levee to Valdez Glacier Trail, Lost Toque Trail, Northern Robe Lake Trail, Pack Trail of 1899, River Drive Trail, Robe River Hogsback Access Trail, Southern Robe Lake Trail,
Valleys:Abercrombie Gulch, Goat Gully, Keystone Canyon, Snowslide Gulch, Sulphide Gulch,