Resource Responsibility

Sustainable Tourism is defined by the United National World Tourism Organization as “ Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities”.

Our founding purpose is to "To educate and immerse people in the grandeur of Alaska's nature and wilderness. Instilling profound respect and awe of an untamed land of the last frontier." It has been proven that spending time in nature is beneficial to ones health. We strive to immerse people in the awe-inspiring wilderness surrounding Valdez, that changes people, fostering a desire to change personal habits that preserve this great land. Environmental stewardship in Valdez is clearly embedded in Alaska Guide's core principals. Alaska Guide’s sustainability practices extend this commitment to conservation and protection to the environmental impact of our own operations.

Alaska Guide strives to demonstrate exemplary leadership for sustainability and climate change mitigation by managing operations and constructing facilities in a sustainable manner to preserve our resources for this and future generations. We focus on human powered, smaller private group tours for minimal impact and better management.

Commitment to sustainability is made more important with a changing climate and increasing impacts to natural resources, locally and globally. Enviromental change is at our forefront, as much of our tours center around glaciers and we have watched as miles of glacier disappear.

We continually strive to support and foster the responsible growth of the outdoors community of Valdez.