at mouth of Adams Inlet, on Muir Inlet, in Glacier Bay National Monument, 2 mi. SSW of Point George, 55 mi. NW of Hoonah; St. Elias Mts.
Camp Muir was named in 1890 by Reid (1892, p. 21), 1st the George W. Elder cast anchor in Muir Inlet, not far from the glacier, and landed our instruments, tents, personal baggage, and provisions on the eastern shore. and Mr. Loomis encamped there * * *. and, in honor of Professor Muir we named it Camp Muir." point of land was named for the camp. Indians as "White Mans Point," probably because of the tourists who landed there.
Adams Inlet, Goose Cove, Hunter Cove, Maquinna Cove, Muir Inlet, North Sandy Cove, Nunatak Cove, Sandy Cove, Sebree Cove, South Sandy Cove, Spokane Cove, Stump Cove, Wachusett Inlet,
Capes:Point McLeod, Point George, Caroline Point, Muir Point, Rowlee Point, Tlingit Point, Westdahl Point, Wolf Point,
Channels:Glaciers:Adams Glacier, Burroughs Glacier, Casement Glacier, Dirt Glacier, Dying Glacier (historical), Morse Glacier, White Glacier,
Hills:Curtis Hills, Klotz Hills, Knob I,
Islands:Drake Island, Francis Island, Garforth Island, Leland Islands, Lone Island, North Marble Island, Puffin Island, Sealers Island, Sebree Island, South Marble Island, Sturgess Island,
Mountains:Mount Case, Mount Kloh Kutz, Knob G, Knob H, Miller Peak, The Nunatak, Pyramid Peak, Red Mountain, Snow Dome, Mount Wright,
Mountain Passes:Ridges:Idaho Ridge, Minnesota Ridge, Oberlin Ridge, Van Horn Ridge, White Thunder Ridge,
Streams:Forest Creek, Wolf Creek, York Creek,