On the Alaska-Canada boundary and the north bank of the Klehini River, 2 mi. NE of Pleasant Camp, 16 mi NW of Klukwan, and 35 mi. W of Skagway, St. Elias Mts.
Named in 1952 for Samuel Matin Fraser, Surgeon of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, when the international boundary was being surveyed in this area. This is apparently the same mountain reported by E.C. Robertson, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1952 as being called "Yealthanuk" by the Tlinkit Indians. The word "yealth" reportedly means "raven" and probably referrs to the "Raven Tribe" living nearby.
Boundary Glacier, Glacier G223637E59372N, Glacier G223641E59360N, Glacier G223642E59341N, Jarvis Glacier, Little Jarvis Glacier, Saksaia Glacier, Tsirku Glacier,
Lakes:Herman Lake, Three Guardsman Lake, Walker Lake,
Mine:Cahoon Creek Mine, Christmas Creek Mine, Glacier Creek Mine, Porcupine Creek Mine,
Mountains:Mount Ashmun, Boundary Peak 154, Boundary Peak 155, Mount Cheetdeekahyu, Chilkat Peak, Flower Mountain, Four Winds Mountain, Glave Peak, Mount Harris, Mount Henry Clay, Hiteshitak Mountain, Mount McDonell, Porcupine Peak, Mount Prinsep, Mount Seltat, Sunshine Mountain, Surgeon Mountain,
Streams:37 Mile Creek, Bear Creek, Big Boulder Creek, Cahoon Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Glacier Creek, Herman Creek, Jarvis Creek, Little Boulder Creek, McKinley Creek, Nataga Creek, Nugget Creek, Porcupine Creek, Rosaunt Creek,