Information About

Cross Sound

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58 ° 10' 40.001" N,
136 ° 30' 36" W


Hoonah-Angoon (CA)

Nearest City


Cross Sound in Detail.


trends from Icy Strait SW to Gulf of Alaska, N of Soapstone Point, 45 mi. W of Hoonah, St. Elias Mts. 12 miles long.


So named in 1778 by Captain Cook (1785, v. 2, p. 345), Royal Navy (RN)., because it was discovered on May 3, designated on his calendar as Holy Cross day. It has been called "Pr(oliv) Kresta" meaning "cross sound" and "Pr(oliv) Ledyanoy" meaning "icy strait" by the russians. "Entrada de la Cruz" meaning "entry of the cross" and "Puerto de la Cruz" meaning "port of the cross." The name originally included what is now Icy Strait.