In Tongass Natonal Forest, heads near the middle of Catherine Island, flows E 5.6 km (3.5 mi) to Chatham Strait.
This stream is the most important spawning area for anadromous cutthroat trout overwintering in Lake Eva.
Coleman Reef, Midway Reef, Morris Reef, Plover Rock, Russian Reef,
Bays:The Basin, Cosmos Cove, Echo Cove, Ell Cove, Florence Bay, Hanus Bay, Kasnyku Bay, Kelp Bay, Lindenberg Harbor, Middle Arm Kelp Bay, Sitkoh Bay, South Arm Kelp Bay, Waterfall Cove,
Capes:Point Lull, Point Thatcher, Point Caution, Point Craven, Point Hanus, Point Hayes, Lindenberg Head, North Point, North Point, Peninsular Point, Portage Point, South Point,
Channels:Portage Arm, Thatcher Channel,
Cliffs:Islands:Catherine Island, Crow Island, Dead Tree Island, Fairway Island, Lone Tree Islet, McClellan Rock, Pond Island, Round Island, Svensen Rock, Traders Island, White Rock, White Rock, Yellow Rock, Zubof Rock,
Lakes:Hidden Falls Lake, Kasnyku Lake,
Rivers:Streams:Cutthroat Creek, Kasnyku Creek, Sitkoh Creek, Thayer Creek,