S point of entrance to Whitewater Bay, on Admiralty I., 17 mi. S of Angoon, Alex. Arch.
Named in 1869 by Commander R. W. Meade, U.S. Navy (USN), (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), 1883, p. 174).
Bars:Coleman Reef, Healy Rock, Midway Reef, Russian Reef,
Bays:Chaik Bay, Echo Cove, Ell Cove, Hood Bay, Kasnyku Bay, Murder Cove, Takatz Bay, Warm Spring Bay, Warm Springs Bay, Waterfall Cove, Whitewater Bay, Wilson Cove,
Capes:Point Lull, Point Thatcher, Point Turbot, Point Wilson, Point Caution, Black Point, Cabin Point, Deer Point, Distant Point, East Point, Flag Point, House Point, North Point, North Point, Rocky Point, Rocky Point, Sand Point, Village Point, Woody Point,
Cliffs:Islands:Carroll Island, Lone Tree Islet, North Island, Round Island, Sand Island, Table Island, Takatz Islands, White Rock,
Lakes:Mountains:Bahovec Peak, Bahovec Peak, Table Mountain,
Streams:Cutthroat Creek, Kasnyku Creek,