in Unalaska Bay between Amaknak I. and NE coast of Unalaska I., Aleutian Islands. 1.3 miles wide.
Aleut name published as "Baie de Illiuliuk" by Admiral von Krusenstern (182(, atlas), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). According to R. H. Geoghegan, the name is a corruption of the word "ilulaq" which means "dwelling together, harmonious" an d is also the name of the chief village on Unalaska Island.
Bailey Ledge, Chelan Bank, Iliuliuk Reef, Priest Rock, Swallow Reef,
Bays:Agamgik Bay, Amugul Bay, Beaver Inlet, Broad Bay, Captains Bay, Constantine Bay, Dutch Harbor, Erskine Bay, Final Bay, Iliuliuk Bay, Iliuliuk Harbor, Kalekta Bay, Kisselen Bay, Margaret Bay, Morris Cove, Nateekin Bay, Reese Bay, Small Bay, Summer Bay, Tanaskan Bay, Udagak Bay, Ugadaga Bay, Ulalux, Unalaska Bay, Uniktali Bay, Wide Bay, Xatacyan Lagoon,
Beaches:Agnes Beach, Arkansas Beach, Chaluuknax, Chamax, Ququgan,
Capes:Agamgim Yaga, Cape Cheerful, Cape Kalekta, Chaluuknam Yaga, Chaxsxin Kadaa, Devilfish Point, Eider Point, Obernoi Point, Qawa-chunguxtan, Rocky Point, Spithead, Tanasxan Yaga, Ulakta Head, Uugdagan-yaga, Yagim Aantuudaayulux,
Channels:Cities:Cliffs:Hills:Islands:Amaknak Island, Amugam-tangingin, Arch Rock, Cave Rock, Dushkot Island, Eagle Rock, Expedition Island, Fish Rock, Fox Islands, Hog Island, Needle Rock, North Rock, Round Island, Second Priest Rock, South Amaknak Rocks, Tanasxan Tangingin, Tuscarora Rock, Wislow Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Mount Ballyhoo, Mount Coxcomb, Kiichxix Kangaxtax, Lofty Mountain, Long Mountain, Mount Newhall, Pyramid Peak, Split Top Mountain, Table Top Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Rivers:Nateekin River, Shaishnikof River,
Streams:Amugul Creek, Ugadachan Creek,