Information About

Sealion Island

Sealion Island

  • Sitka
Nearest City:
  • 72 ft (21.95 m)

5 mi. S of Salisbury Sound, off NW coast of Kruzof I., 25 mi. NW of Sitka, Alex. aArch.

History of Sealion Island

This is a translation by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) about 1882 of the name given by the Russian pilot Ensign Vasiliev; published in 1848 on Russian Hydrographic Dept. Chart 1397 as "Os(trov) Siuchiy." This feature was called "Islas de Lobos," meaning "sealion islands" in 1775 by Francisco Antonio Maurelle and Don Juan de la Bodega y Quadra. Wagner (1937, p. 468) thinks this latter name may by identified with "Eagle Rock or Sea Rock farther north."