at mouth of Apokak Slough, on Eek Channel of Kuskokwim River, 48 mi. SW of Bethel, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
Eskimo name for village obtained in December 1878 by E. W. Nelson, U.S. Signal Service, and listed in the 1880 census as "Apokagamute," i.e. "Apokak people" with 94 people. The 1890 Census listed it as "Ahpokagamiut" with 210 people. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) reported in 1949 that "the village has been abandonded for many years. Two dilapidated cabins remain."
Eek Channel, Kuskokwak Channel,
Islands:Rivers:Apokak Slough, Eek River, Eenayarak River, Kuskokwim River,
Streams:Kuskokwak Creek, North Branch Warehouse Creek, South Branch Warehouse Creek, Tungak Creek, Warehouse Creek,