flows W to Kuskokwim Bay, 3 mi. N of Quinhagak, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
HistoryLocal name published in 1915 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS); derived from the mission warehouse near Shiniak village.
Eek Channel, Kuskokwak Channel, Kuskokwak Channel Kuskokwim Bay, Warehouse Channel,
Cities:Cliffs:Rivers:Apokak Slough, Eek River, Kanektok River,
Streams:Kanagtatlek Creek, Kikku Creek, Kuskokwak Creek, Nakee Creek, North Branch Warehouse Creek, Oyak Creek, South Branch Warehouse Creek, Stoggnang Creek, Tungak Creek, Warehouse Creek, Weelung Creek,