flows SW to Caribou Creek, 54 mi. NE of Palmer, Talkeetna Mts.
Near milepost 121 on Glenn Highway there is a turn off to the west/north of the highway. Park there are there are trails back to the creek.
Named used by local prospectors; reported in 1906 by T. G. Gerdine and R. H. Sargent, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Naming: Name used by local prospectors, reported in 1906 by T. G. Gerdine and R. H. Sargent, USGS.
Big Spoon, Hide and Seek, Lil' Kahuna, Little Spoon,
Lakes:Bug Lake, Hicks Lake, Squaw Lake,
Mountains:Gunsight Mountain, Horn Mountain, Lion Head, Sheep Mountain, Syncline Mountain, Mount Wickersham,
Mountain Passes:Mountain Ranges:Ridges:Rivers:East Fork Matanuska River, South Fork Matanuska River,
Streams:Alfred Creek, Ammonite Creek, Bench Creek, Billy Creek, Bitter Creek, Bubb Creek, Camp Creek, Caribou Creek, Chitna Creek, Dan Creek, Divide Creek, Flume Creek, Fortress Creek, Glacial Fan Creek, Glacier Creek, Greta Creek, Gunsight Creek, Gypsum Creek, Inoceramus Creek, McDougall Creek, Mouse Creek, Papoose Creek, Pass Creek, Placer Creek, Rock Glacier Creek, Sawmill Creek, Sawmill Creek, Sheep Creek, Shovel Creek, Sladen Creek, Squaw Creek, Trail Creek, West End Creek, Wood Creek, Yellow Jacket Creek,