In Freshwater Bay, 5.1 km (3.2 mi) NW of the Redcliff Islands and 16.1 km (10 mi) N of the village of Tenakee Springs.
Named by the National Ocean Survey for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration survey vessel Rainier, used in hydropgrahpic studies of this area in May and June of 1979.
Cedar Cove, Coffee Cove, Corner Bay, Crab Bay, Fin Cove, Freshwater Bay, Iyoukeen Cove, Kadashan Bay, Pavlof Harbor, Saltery Bay, Spasski Bay, Sunshine Cove, Trap Bay, Wachusett Cove, Whitestone Harbor,
Capes:Cannery Point, Columbia Point, East Point, Hill Point, Iyoukeen Peninsula, Neck Point, Outer Point, Sunny Point, West Point,
Cities:Dams:Corner Bay Dam, Shotter Creek Dam,
Islands:Cedar Island, East Redcliff Island, Grave Island, Heidi Rock, Little Cedar Island, Pinnacle Rock, Pulizzi Island, Rainier Island, Spasski Island, Strawberry Island, West Redcliff Island,
Lakes:Mine:Mountains:Elephant Mountain, Mount Parish,
Ridges:Rivers:Indian River, Pavlof River, Salmon River,
Streams:Corner Creek, Freshwater Creek, Gypsum Creek, Harley Creek, Kennel Creek, North Fork Freshwater Creek, Seal Creek, Small Creek, Spasski Creek, Suntaheen Creek,