just N of Ananongutka, 1 mi. E of Suskaralogh Point, on NW coast of Saint George I., in Pribilof Islands.
HistoryAleut name reported by Putnam (1903, p. 1015), U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), meaning "pile of rock or landmark * * * remarkable crag 471 feet in elevation, standing in fron t of a bluff (Ananongutka) and visible along almost the entire north shore of th e island. The same word (Myak) is applied by the natives to the numerous cairns or piles of rocks, erected by them over the island, which serve as guide posts to them when caught out in thick and foggy weather * * *."
Agis-chucka, Little East Rookery, North Rookery, Samla logh chuka, Samla-logh-chuka, Staraya Artil Rookery, Zapadni Rookery,
Bays:Algan-uda, Dravnoi, Garden Cove, Yaganuda Cove, Zapadni Bay,
Beaches:Qigduxtam Kadaa, Ustinam Sitxaa,
Capes:Cascade Point, Dalnoi Point, Kragluchten Point, Qagaadan Kadaa, Rush Point, Suskaralogh Point, Takamgia Point,
Cliffs:Agisogh, Ananongutka, First Bluff, High Bluffs, Kamina, Naro-am-unga, Red Bluffs, Umanangula Bluffs,
Hills:Agisam Kuvruska, Agisam-koverushka, Fox Castle, Gull Hill, Maynard Hill, South Hill, South Sealion Hill, Ulakaia Hill,
Islands:Aagyuuĝim Nuĝa, Myak Rock, Saint George Island,
Lakes:Aniqdux̂siilum Anii, Anuckaselogh, Atka Lake, Bear Lake, Chuguĝiidam Anii, Govorushka Lake, Nuĝaadam Anii, Qagaadan Aniida, Seal Lake, Tanax̂taqan Anii, Tanogtukan Lake, Ulaqayagan Achidan Anii, Umanangula Lake, Upper Lake,
Ridges:Holostiak-ralom-kiya, Samalogh Ridge,
Routes:Chaangiqluux - Garden Cove Foot Path,
Valleys:Chagina, Esogemunga, Holostiak-ralog, Ikoum-unga, Kodogh, Qakaan-kingagn Quduu,