between Dalnoi and Rush Points, on SW coast of St. George I., in Pribilof Islands.
HistoryAleut name reported in 1897 by Putnam (1903, p. 1016), U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), as "Yag'an-uda', meaning "wooded bay*** so called because there is drift-wood on the beach."
Agis-chucka, North Rookery, Samla logh chuka, Samla-logh-chuka, Staraya Artil Rookery, Zapadni Rookery,
Bays:Algan-uda, Yaganuda Cove, Zapadni Bay,
Beaches:Capes:Cascade Point, Dalnoi Point, Rush Point, Suskaralogh Point, Takamgia Point,
Cliffs:Agisogh, Ananongutka, First Bluff, High Bluffs, Naro-am-unga, Red Bluffs, Umanangula Bluffs,
Hills:Agisam Kuvruska, Agisam-koverushka, Fox Castle, Maynard Hill, South Hill, Ulakaia Hill,
Islands:Myak Rock, Saint George Island,
Lakes:Aniqdux̂siilum Anii, Anuckaselogh, Atka Lake, Bear Lake, Chuguĝiidam Anii, Govorushka Lake, Nuĝaadam Anii, Tanax̂taqan Anii, Tanogtukan Lake, Umanangula Lake,
Ridges:Holostiak-ralom-kiya, Samalogh Ridge,
Routes:Chaangiqluux - Garden Cove Foot Path,