Information About

Nismeni Cove

Nismeni Cove

Quick Facts
  • Sitka
Nearest City:

on Duffield Peninsula N tip of Baranof I., 35 mi. N of Sitka, Alex. Arch.

History of Nismeni Cove

Named in 1895 by Lieutenant Commander Moore, U.S. Navy (USN), and published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) on Chart 8283.

Places Near Nismeni Cove

Cozian Reef, Deadman Reach, Dolph Rock, Ford Rock, Hoggatt Reefs, Midway Rock, Nixon Shoal, Paradise Flats, Rodman Rock,


Appleton Cove, Baby Bear Bay, Bear Bay, Crab Bay, Deep Bay, Favorite Anchorage, Fish Bay, Goose Cove, Haley Anchorage, Kadashan Bay, Launch Cove, Liesnoi Shoal, Nismeni Cove, North Arm Hoonah Sound, Poison Cove, Rodman Bay, Rodman Bay, Saltery Bay, Saook Bay, Schulze Cove,


Point Marie, Point Siroi, Point Elizabeth, Arthur Point, Duffield Peninsula, Emmons Point, Fish Point, Haley Point, Island Point, Middle Point, Mountain Head, Near Point, Nismeni Point, Pedersen Point, Peschani Point, Pinta Head, Pogibshi Point, Rapids Point, Rock Point, Rodgers Point, Schulze Head, Shoal Point, Ushk Point, White Cliff Point, Yellow Point,


Adams Channel, Hoonah Sound, Peril Strait, Rose Channel, Sergins Narrows,


Andersen Island, Arthur Island, Arthur Island, Bear Bay Island, Big Island, Big Rose Island, Broad Island, Elovoi Island, Emmons Island, False Island, Grasstop Rock, Grave Island, Hoggatt Island, Krugloi Islands, Lauf Islands, Liesnoi Island, Little Island, Little Rapids Island, Little Rose Island, Otstoia Island, Piper Island, Povorotni Island, Prince Island, Prolewy Rock, Vixen Islands,


Finger Mountain,


Big Bear - Baby Bear State Marine Park,

Mountain Ranges:

Moore Mountains,


North Rapid,


Kadashan River,


Duffield Creek, Fish Bay Creek, Range Creek, Rodman Creek, Tonalite Creek,


Peril Strait,

Birds Sighted Here

Sorted by Most Common to Least Common Viewings

Marbled Murrelet, Common Gull, American Crow, Pigeon Guillemot, Belted Kingfisher, Common Raven, Bald Eagle