flows NW from Midnight Mtn. to North Fork Koyukuk River, 2 mi. N of Hanging Glacier Mtn. and 38 mi. NW of Wiseman, Brooks Range; 4 miles long.
Named in 1939 by Marshall (1956, p. 148) who wrote, "Marvelous waterfalls were plunging down on every side. I was continuously in their spray, so narrow was the chasm* * *. In this mile and a half I counted thirteen falls with an estimated drop of 200 feet or more* * *.
East Alapah Glacier, West Alapah Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Als Mountain, Blackface Mountain, Boreal Mountain, Chimney Mountain, Mount Doonerak, Hanging Glacier Mountain, Inclined Mountain, Limestack Mountain, Midnight Mountain, North Peak, Redstar Mountain, Twoprong Mountain, Wien Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Chimney Pass, Gates of the Arctic, Holmes Pass, Peregrine Pass,
Streams:Alinement Creek, Amawk Creek, Barrenland Creek, Bombardment Creek, Ernie Creek, Fishless Creek, Grizzly Creek, Holmes Creek, Irish Creek, Kachwona Creek, Kenunga Creek, Pinnyanaktuk Creek, Pyramid Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Shushalluk Creek, Tributary Creek,