flows NE to North Fork Koyukuk River at Gates of the Arctic, 37 mi. NW of Wiseman, Brooks Range
Probably named for an Eskimo girl of the Wiseman area. Marshall (1956, p. 83), in describing a Fourth of July celebration in Wiseman, wrote, "The big feature * * * was dancing. We started at six-thirty on the evening of July 4, and at eleven next morning four Eskimo girls, Kaaruk, Ashuwaruk, Kayak, and Kachwona, were still going strong * * *."
Als Mountain, Blackface Mountain, Boreal Mountain, Eroded Mountain, Frigid Crags, Hanging Glacier Mountain, Katiktak Mountain, Moving Mountain, Redstar Mountain, Slatepile Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Gates of the Arctic, Holmes Pass,
Streams:Bombardment Creek, Cladonia Creek, Ernie Creek, Fish Creek, Fishless Creek, Grizzly Creek, Irish Creek, Jumbo Creek, Kachwona Creek, Kenunga Creek, Pyramid Creek, Redstar Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Shushalluk Creek, Tributary Creek, Willow Creek,