flows SW to Goodnews Bay, 1.5 mi. NW of Goodnews, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Eskimo name reported in 1919 by Harrington (in Brooks, 1921, pl. 7), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), who reported that it means "one that has the back (?)."
Machewik Mountain, Mumtrak Hill, Puyulik Mountain,
Lakes:Mountains:Beluga Hill, Chawekat Mountain, Cot Mountain, Crater Hill, Explorer Mountain, Flat Mountain, Ikuktlitlig Mountain, Kigtsugtag Mountain, Kigtsugtag Mountain, Kiugtlugtulit Mountain, Knight Mountain, Lump Mountain, Pyramid Mountain, Red Mountain, Susie Mountain, Peak T, Tooth Mountain,
Mountain Ranges:Ridges:Rivers:Goodnews River, Middle Fork Goodnews River, North Fork Indian River, Smalls River, South Fork Goodnews River, South Fork Indian River, Tunulik River,
Streams:Boulder Creek, Camp Creek, Clara Creek, Dowry Creek, Fog Creek, Last Chance Creek, Last Chance Creek, McCann Creek, Medicine Creek, Nautilus Creek, Poker Creek, Puyulik Creek, Seattle Creek, Sphinx Creek, Squirrel Creek, Susie Creek, Tundra Creek, Ukfigag Creek, Velvet Creek, Wind Creek,