Extends from the mouth of Goodnews River SW to Kuskokwim Bay at North and South Spits, 30 mi NE of Cape Newenham, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mountains. 10 miles long.
HistoryIn 1868, the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) derived "Goodnews Bay" from translation of the Russian name "Port Dobrykh Vestey (ili Zaliv Imakhpiguak)" meaning "Port Goodnews" (Sarichev, 1826, map 3). The second name is Eskimo. Captain Lutke (1836, p255), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), called it in French "Bonnes Nouvelles Baie" or "Good News Bay" and said that, "it might better be called the 'Bay of false reports.'" According to Baker (1906, p 281), "It was visited and probably named 'Good News' by the land expediton of Vstiugof and Korsadof of 1818-19."
Machewik Mountain, Mumtrak Hill, Puyulik Mountain,
Lakes:Mountains:Beluga Hill, Chawekat Mountain, Crater Hill, Explorer Mountain, Kemuk Mountain, Kigtsugtag Mountain, Kigtsugtag Mountain, Lump Mountain, Red Mountain, Susie Mountain, Peak T, Thorsen Mountain, Tooth Mountain,
Mountain Ranges:Ridges:Rivers:Goodnews River, North Fork Indian River, Salmon River, Smalls River, South Fork Indian River, Tunulik River,
Streams:Anita Creek, Boulder Creek, Clara Creek, Dowry Creek, Fog Creek, Last Chance Creek, Last Chance Creek, McCann Creek, Medicine Creek, Nautilus Creek, Platinum Creek, Poker Creek, Puyulik Creek, Quartz Creek, Seattle Creek, Sphinx Creek, Squirrel Creek, Susie Creek, Tundra Creek, Ukfigag Creek, Wind Creek,
Valleys:Dry Gulch, Fox Gulch, Snow Gulch,