Information About

Epizetka River

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69 ° 38' 47" N,
163 ° 1' 0.001" W


North Slope

Nearest City


Epizetka River in Detail.


heads in Amatusuk Hills at 691400N1620500W, flows NW to Kasegaluk Lagoon, 8 mi. S of Point Lay, Arctic Plain. 75 miles long.


Eskimo name reported by Collier (in Brooks and others, 1905, p. 177), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and probably represents the word sometimes written "qipigsatqaq" meaning "it twists" or "crooked." Collier probably obtained the name from a manuscript map (so-called Cullinghow's map of Cape Lisburne) drawn by an Eskimo about 1890. This map shows "Epizetko-crooked."