with 2 peaks, called North Yoke and South Yoke Mts., 4 mi. E of Jacksmith Bay and 28 mi. N of Goodnews, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Named "North Yoke" and "South Yoke" in 1914 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS).
Cone Mountain, Cot Mountain, Figure Four Mountain, Kiugtlugtulit Mountain, Mitlak Mountain, Nagotligageivik Mountain, North Yoke Mountain, Northeast Twin, South Yoke Mountain, Southwest Twin, Twin Mountain, Yoke Mountain, Yukon Hill,
Mountain Passes:Rivers:Arolik River, North Fork Indian River, South Fork Indian River,
Streams:Bessie Creek, Boulder Creek, Butte Creek, Camp Creek, Canyon Creek, Cripple Creek, Danger Creek, December Creek, Domingo Creek, Dry Creek, Faro Creek, Fox Creek, Jacksmith Creek, Kowkow Creek, McLane Creek, Minnesota Creek, Nautilus Creek, Red Lodge Creek, Sayalik Creek, Trail Creek, Velvet Creek,