on E shore of Kuskokwim Bay, 28 mi. NW of Goodnews, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.
Local name published in 1914 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS). The Eskimo name is reported to be "Nerviak," meaning "place to eat." The bay is "entirely bare at low tide."
Cone Mountain, Cot Mountain, Figure Four Mountain, Kiugtlugtulit Mountain, Mitlak Mountain, Nagotligageivik Mountain, North Yoke Mountain, Northeast Twin, South Yoke Mountain, Southwest Twin, Twin Mountain, Yoke Mountain, Yukon Hill,
Mountain Passes:Rivers:Arolik River, Indian River, North Fork Indian River, North Mouth Arolik River, South Fork Indian River, South Mouth Arolik River,
Streams:Carter Creek, Cripple Creek, December Creek, Jacksmith Creek, Nautilus Creek, Sayalik Creek,