on W bank of College Fiord, 8 mi. N of Point Pakenham and 63 mi. E of Anchorage; Chugach Mts.
named in 1908 by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), for Benjamin Kendall Emerson, 1843-1920, professor of geology at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. the Harriman Alaska Expedition in 1899.
Barry Arm, Barry Arm Port Wells, College Fiord, Harrison Lagoon, Hobo Bay,
Capes:Coghill Point, Point Doran, Pakenham Point,
Channels:Glaciers:Amherst Glacier, Barnard Glacier, Barry Glacier, Bryn Mawr Glacier, Cap Glacier, Cascade Glacier, Coxe Glacier, Crescent Glacier, Holyoke Glacier, Tommy Glacier, Vassar Glacier, Wellesley Glacier,
Lakes:Mine:Mountains:Mount Coville, Mount Curtis, Mount Emerson, Mount Gannett, Mount Goode,