trends SE to College Fiord, 2 mi. W of College Point and 52 mi. W of Valdez, Chugach Mts
Named by members of the Harriman Alaska Expedition in 1899 for Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
College Fiord, Harvard Arm, Yale Arm, Yale Arm College Fiord,
Capes:Coghill Point, College Point, Pakenham Point,
Glaciers:Amherst Glacier, Baltimore Glacier, Barnard Glacier, Barry Glacier, Bryn Mawr Glacier, Coxe Glacier, Holyoke Glacier, Lafayette Glacier, Muth Glacier, Radcliffe Glacier, Smith Glacier, Vassar Glacier, Wellesley Glacier, Williams Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Mount Coville, Mount Emerson, Mount Goode, Unakwik Peak,