on Prince of Wales I. between Cholmondeley and Moira Sounds, Alex. Arch.
Named in 1886 by Lieutenant Commander R. Clover, U.S. Navy (USN). This name was erroneously published as "Endora" in the 1891 Coast Pilot (p. 87).
Aiken Cove, Brennan Bay, Cannery Cove, Cholmondeley Sound, Clarno Cove, Clover Bay, Dickman Bay, Dolomi Bay, Dora Bay, Frederick Cove, Johnson Cove, Kegan Cove, Kitkun Bay, Klakas Inlet, Lancaster Cove, Max Cove, Moira Sound, Niblack Anchorage, North Arm Moira Sound, Nowiskay Cove, Ruth Bay, The Saitchuck, South Arm Cholmondeley Sound, South Arm Moira Sound, Sunny Cove, West Arm Cholmondeley Sound, West Arm Moira Sound, West Arm Moira Sound,
Capes:Point Halliday, Point Jansen, Anderson Point, Black Point, Cannery Point, Clover Point, Crowell Point, Davidson Point, Divide Head, Doctor Point, Moss Point, Sunny Point,
Channels:Hills:Islands:Almguist Rock, Beck Rock, Chasina Island, Clare Island, Deichman Island, Egg Islands, Hump Island, King Island, Peacock Island, Red Rock, Skin Island,
Lakes:Lake Luelia, Aiken Lake, Clover Lake, Dora Lake, James Lake, Johnson Lake, Kegan Lake, Klakas Lake, Kugel Lake, Miller Lake, Monie Lake, Myrtle Lake, Niblack Lake, Paul Lake, Lake Williams,
Mine:Golden Fleece Mine, Khayyam Mine,
Mountains:Barren Mountain, Bokan Mountain, Clover Mountain, Dolomi Mountain, Eudora Mountain, Nipple Butte,
Streams:Aiken Creek, Big Creek, Clover Creek, John Creek, Kegan Creek, Kugel Creek, Myrtle Creek, Omar Creek, Perkins Creek, Polk Creek, Rock Creek, Sunny Creek,