Information About

Cavern Lake

Cavern Lake

Quick Facts
  • Prince of Wales-Hyder (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 0.3 mi (0.48 km)
  • 161 ft (49.07 m)

In Tongass National Forest on Prince of Wales Island, 3.2 mi WSW of the S end of Exchange Cove and 38 mi SW of Wrangell, Alex. Arch. 0.3 mile long.

History of Cavern Lake

Reported in 1949 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) because an underground stream draining the lake emerges in a limestone cavern about 300 ft from the lake.

Places Near Cavern Lake



California Bay, Clam Cove, Devilfish Bay, Exchange Cove, Ragged Cove, Red Bay, Rocky Bay, Rocky Cove, Salmon Bay, Sandy Bight, Sarheen Cove, Sarkar Cove, Tunga Inlet,


Point Colpoys, Aneskett Point, Bay Point, Macnamara Point, Pine Point, Sarkar Point, White Point,


Brockman Pass, El Capitan Passage, Kashevarof Passage, Ossipee Channel, Tenass Pass, Whale Passage,


Bell Island, Brockman Island, Burnt Island, Bushy Island, Clam Island, Danger Island, Dead Island, Echo Island, Exchange Island, Fire Island, Flat Island, Graveyard Island, Hub Rock, Mabel Island, North Island, Orr Island, Range Islet, Rookery Islands, Rookery Islands, Round Island, Scott Island, Scow Island, Shrubby Island, Singa Island, Spanberg Island, Tenass Island, Thorne Island, Tide Island, West Island,


El Capitan Lake, Cavern Lake, Exchange Lake, Gold and Galligan Lagoon, Neck Lake, Red Lake, Salmon Bay Lake, Salt Water Lagoon, Sarkar Lake, Sink Hole Lake, Twin Island Lake,


El Capitan Peak, Pyramid Peak, Red Bay Mountain,


Deadmans Riffle, Indian Creek Rapids,


Big Creek, Big Creek, Creek Number 1, Creek Number 2, Creek Number 3, Creek Number 4, Creek Number Four, Creek Number One, Creek Number Three, Creek Number Two, Duck Creek, Exchange Creek, Galligan Creek, Goose Creek, Hatchery Creek, Indian Creek, Lava Creek, Little Creek, Logjam Creek, Mabel Creek, Mud Creek, Narrow Creek, Pine Creek, Pine Creek, Red Bay Creek, Salmon Creek, Salmon Creek, Sarkar Creek, Short Creek, Squaw Creek, Tokhini Creek,


Whale Pass,