heads in Kenai Mts., 6 mi. S of Carpathian Peak, and trends NW to S end of Placer River Valley, 20 mi. SE of Sunrise, Chugach Mts.
Named in 1909 by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), for a Mr. Spencer, paymaster of the Alaska Central RR., who fell in a crevasse in the glacier in 1906 and whose body was never recovered.
Bartlett Glacier, Beloit Glacier, Blackstone Glacier, Burns Glacier, Byron Glacier, Carroll Glacier, Claremont Glacier, Concordia Glacier, Deadman Glacier, Explorer Glacier, Glacier G211027E60434N, Glacier G211040E60441N, Glacier G211110E60758N, Glacier G211226E60788N, Glacier G211235E60779N, Glacier G211254E60750N, Learnard Glacier, Lowell Glacier, Milton Glacier, Northland Glacier, Portage Glacier, Shakespeare Glacier, Skookum Glacier, Spencer Glacier, Trail Glacier,
Lakes:Airstrip Pond, Alder Pond, Divide Lake, Luebner Lake, Portage Lake,
Locales:Mountains:Baird Peak, Bard Peak, Begich Peak, Boggs Peak, Byron Peak, Carpathian Peak, Kickstep Mountain, Maynard Mountain, Shakespeare Shoulder, Tincan Peak,
Mountain Passes:Peaks:Explorer Peak, Flying Cornice, Learnard Peak, Lowell Peak, Portage Peak, Roost,
Rivers:Kings River, Nellie Juan River, Placer River, Twentymile River,
Routes:Streams:Henry Creek, Ingram Creek, Placer Creek, Portage Creek, Skookum Creek, Whittier Creek, Whittier Creek,
Routes:Byron Glacier Trail, Portage Pass Trail, Spencer Glacier Trail, Trail of Blue Ice,