Flows SE from Bering Glacier, between Override Ridge and the Grindle Hills; drains into the Kosakuts River and the Kaliakh River at the W end of the Robinson Mountains.
Named for the Kaliakh River into which the feature drains. Kaliakh is a Tlingit Indian name
Betge Glacier, Central Valley Reach, Kaliakh Lobe, Yushin Glacier,
Islands:Bentwood Island, Peat Falls Island, Tsitus Island, Weeping Peat Island,
Lakes:Hanna Lake, Hohlinsock Lake, Tsiu Lake, Tsivat Lake,
Mountains:Mountain Passes:Mountain Ranges:Ridges:Donald Ridge, Override Ridge, Sint Hills, Waxell Ridge,
Rivers:Abandoned River, East Fork Tsivat River, Kosakuts River, West Fork Tsivat River,