In the W part of the N coast of Saint Lawrence Island, at mouth of Muknuk River, 7.7 mi SW of Eevwak Point and 1.5 mi NE of Tikugha Point, 12 mi. SW of Savoonga.
Eskimo name recorded by Orth, in 1965, as "Kakhkasalik" and refers to the "top of the head" or "crown." The name was published in 1932 as Cape Kagh-kasalik by the University of Alaska.
Eevwak Point, Impaghuk Point, Kaghkusalik Point, Kineeghit Point, Tikugha Point,
Hills:Rivers:Koozata River, Muknuk River, Ynveeghik River,
Streams:Kaklongegek Creek, Leghveehuk Creek, Oskuvalowik Creek, Shiekuk Creek,