on Chukchi Sea coast, at Barrow and 10 mi. SW. of Point Barrow, Arctic Plain
The Eskimo name for this place is "Utkiakvik" and refers in meaning to a "high place for viewing." It was the same name as that of the village which wa s located on this high (30 ft.) ground. The present name of the cape was given i n September 1826, by Captain Beechey (1831, p. 302-303),RN, to honor William Smyth, Royal Navy (RN), Mate of His (Her) Majesty's Ship (HMS). Blossom, who with Thomas Elson and party in an open boat explored the coast NE of Icy Cape and discovered Point Barrow. In bestowing the name Beechey wrote "To the nearest conspicuous object to the southward of Point Barrow, I attach the name of Smyth * * *." See also Barrow.
Dry Lake, Emaiksoun Lake, Footprint Lake, Ikroavik Lake, Imikpuk Lake, Isatkoak Lagoon, Isatkoak Reservoir, Kikyuktukturo, Kimouksik Lake, Middle Salt Lagoon, Nerravak Lagoon, North Meadow Lake, North Salt Lagoon, Nunavak Bay, Pingoakeok Lake, South Meadow Lake, South Salt Lagoon,