On the W coast of Saint Lawrence Island, between Singik Point and Kaghoopalik Point, 10.5 mi S of Northwest Cape at the mouth of Kaaavalghak Creek, 8 mi. S of Gambell.
HistoryEskimo name reported by Orth in 1965, from an informant at Gambell, to mean "sleeping place." The name is applied locally only to the coastal indentation east of Singik Point. The bay probably takes its name from a small village or camp once located here. The Gambell village council recommended the name for map usage in 1949.
Akeftapak Bay, Dovelawik Bay, Kavalghak Bay, Kittilngook Bay, Tiflighak Bay,
Beaches:Capes:Aghsit Point, Agtapuk Point, Chibukak Point, Kaghoopalik Point, Meruwtu Point, Nekeelit Point, Northwest Cape, Ooynik Point, Savukahuk Point, Shlokovik Point, Singik Point, Tategnak Point, Tikaghapuk Point, Upapak Point, Vngyat Point,
Cities:Cliffs:Hills:Marukta Mountain, Sevuokuk Mountain,
Lakes:Aghnaghak Lagoon, Ninivahut Lake, Troutman Lake,
Mountains:Poovookpuk Mountain, Sevooghak Mountain,
Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Aghnuk River, Kangik River, Moghoweyik River,
Streams:Ikoygak Creek, Kavalghak Creek, Kitnepaluk Creek, Kunaghak Creek,