on E coast of Kenai Peninsula, SE side of Day Harbor, 16 mi. SE of Seward, Chugach Mts. 0.5 mile wide.
HistoryNamed in 1927 by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) for William H. Bowen, of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) vessel Surveyor,"who was drowned October 3, 1927, at Seward,Alaska, in heroic effort to rescue two of his shipmates who had been thrown into the wate r by the swamping of their skiff."
Anchor Cove, Blying Sound, Bowen Anchorage, Day Harbor, Driftwood Bay, Killer Bay, Resolute Cove, Safety Cove, Talus Bay, Whidbey Bay,
Capes:Cape Fairfield, Cape Mansfield, Fault Point, Resurrection Peninsula,
Glaciers:Bear Lake Glacier, Ellsworth Glacier, Glacier G210790E60102N, Godwin Glacier, Porcupine Glacier, Prospect Glacier, Spoon Glacier,
Islands:Lakes:Mountains:Mount Alice, Mount Eva, Tiehacker Mountain,
Parks:Driftwood Bay State Marine Park, Safety Cove State Marine Park,