Information About

Ballena Island Shoal

Ballena Island Shoal

Quick Facts
  • Prince of Wales-Hyder (CA)
Nearest City:

extends 1,500 ft., in San Alberto Bay, 2.4 mi. W of Craig, Alex. Arch.

History of Ballena Island Shoal

Name published in 1925 Coast Pilot (p.143); derived from Ballena Islands.

Places Near Ballena Island Shoal

Alberto Islands, Arrecife Islands, Blanquizal Islands,


Witness Rocks,


Alberto Reef, Balandra Shoal, Ballena Island Shoal, Fern Reef, Fish Egg Reef, Klawock Reef, Larzatita Island Reef, Parida Island Reef, Rana Reef, Saint Ignace Rock, San Christoval Rock, Sucia Ledge,


Port Bagial, Port Caldera, Port Dolores, Port Estrella, Port Refugio, Port Saint Nicholas, Port Santa Cruz, Adrian Cove, Aguada Cove, Big Bay, Bucareli Bay, Crab Bay, Doyle Bay, Garcia Cove, Klawock Inlet, Salt Lake Bay, San Alberto Bay, Shelter Cove, Shinaku Inlet, Trocadero Bay,


Point Miliflores, Point Miraballes, Point Polocano, Point Providence, Point Remedios, Point Caponeta, Point San Pasqual, Point San Rafael, Point Santa Lucia, Point Santa Rosalia, Point Amargura, Point Arucenas, Point Barrigon, Point Batan, Point Bocas, Point Cangrejo, Point Cocos, Point Cruz, Point Cuerbo, Point Espada, Point Eugenia, Point Gorda, Point Ildefonso, Point Iphigenia, Point Lomas, Agueda Point, Arrecife Point, Arrecite Point, Blanquizal Point, Bobs Point, Canoe Point, Cape Cambon, Cape Empinado, Cape Flores, Cape Suspiro, Cemetery Point, Diamond Point, Entrance Point, Fern Point, Palisade Point, Perlas Point, Punta de los Almos, Punta De los Islotillos, Punta Gorda, Punta Maria Antonia, Punta Noriega, Punta Palmito, Reef Point, Point San Antonio, Silvester Point, Sword Point, Tranquil Point, Turn Point, Point Verde,


Cruz Pass, North Entrance, Portillo Channel, San Christoval Channel, South Entrance, Tlevak Narrows, Ulloa Channel, Ursua Channel,


Craig, Klawock,


Craig Water Supply Dam, Waterfall Dam,


Abbess Island, Arboles Island, Balandra Island, Ballena Islands, Bibora Island, Block Island, Bush Islets, Cabras Islands, Canas Island, Catalina Island, Clam Island, Cole Island, Coronados Islands, Craig Island, Cruz Islands, Culebrina Island, Fish Egg Island, Hermagos Islands, Hermanos Islands, Isla Buen Ayre, Isleta, Joe Island, Klawock Island, Ladrones Islands, Larzatita Island, Madre de Dios Island, Meares Island, Midway Island, Palisade Island, Parida Island, Peratrovich Island, Phillips Rock, Piedras Island, Rancheria Island, Ridge Island, Rosary Island, Saint Ignace Island, Saint Philip Island, San Adrian Island, San Clemente Island, San Fernando Island, San Juan Bautista Island, San Juanito Island, Santa Lucia Island, Shaft Rock, Shelikof Island, Sombrero Island, Suemez Island, Toti Island, Tuft Rock, Ulloa Island, Unlucky Island, Verde Island, Wadleigh Island, Wadleigh Rock, The Witnesses,


Big Salt Lake, Waterfall Reservoir,


Bautista Peak, Sunny Hay Mountain,

Mountain Passes:

Canoe Pass,


Rio de la Aguada,


Arroyo Blanco, Crab Creek, Halfmile Creek, Shinaku Creek,


Canoe Point Trail,

