Information About

Simeonof Island

Simeonof Island

Quick Facts
  • Aleutians East
Nearest City:
  • 1184 ft (360.88 m)

The easternmost of Shumagin Islands, Aleutian Range.

History of Simeonof Island

Called "Simeonoff" in 1872 by W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS); other Russian forms of "Simon" include "Semenovsky," by Captain F. P. Lutke, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), and "Semenovskie" by Captain M. D. Tebenkov, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), and the Russian Hydrographic Dept. Aleut names applied to this island include "Tachkinach," by Lieutenant G. A. Sarichev, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), and "Taghinak," "Tikhiniak," and "Takh-kiniakh" by Captain Lutke, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN).