57 ° 24' 0" N,
170 ° 14' 48.001" W
Aleutians West (CA)
Located in the Bering Sea, consisting of Saint Paul, Saint George, Walrus, and Otter Islands.
HistoryNamed by Lieutenant G.A. Sarichev about 1792 for Gavriil Loginovich Pribylov (died 1796), who while an employee of the Lebedev-Lastochkin Company, discovered Saint George Island, one of the Pribilof Islands, in June 1786. The islands were first referred to as Novy, meaning new, and Lebedevski, the name of the owner of Pribilov's vessel. G.I. Shelikov called the islands Zoubov for the then Russian Minister of the Interior. They were also referred to as Kotovy, meaning fur seal, and Sieverny, meaning north (relative to Unalaska Island).
Lincoln Bight, North Bay, Walrus Bight,
Beaches:Capes:North Point, Northeast Point, Northwest Point, Qakaankinga, Sea Lion Point,
Cliffs:Hills:Crater Hill, Cross Hill, Lake Dune, Hutchinson Hill, Little Polovina Hill, Low Hill, North Hill, Polovina Hill, Pot Hill, Ridge Hill, Rush Hill,
Islands:Lakes:Big Lake, Chigilix Anii, Chmanax Anii, Chugux̂ Anii, Maruniichax̂ Anii, Qaqa Anii, Sheep Lake, Tatax̂ Anii, Webster Lake,
Mountain Ranges: