Information About

Port Mulgrave

Quick Facts

Open in The Map Port Mulgrave on The Map


59 ° 34' 1.999" N,
139 ° 47' 8.999" W



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Port Mulgrave in Detail.


on S end of Khantaak I., N of Graveyard Cove, 1.8 mi. NW of Yakutat; Malaspina Coastal Plain.


named in 1787 by Captain George Dixon, Royal Navy (RN), (Vancouver, 1798, v. 3, p. 170) for Constantine John Phipps, the Baron Mulgrave, an English Arctic explorer. waters were called "Rurik Harbor" by Captain C. V. Kromchenko in 1823 (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1883, p. 208) presumably for the brig of the Russian American Company by this name. James Colnett, Royal Navy (RN), called it "Foggy Harbor" in 1788 (de Laguna and others, 1964, p. 20).