population 5, on Mailboast Cove, Chernofski Harbor, on W coast of Unalaska I., Aleutian Islands.
Lieutenant Sarichev (1826, map 14), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), published the name of this former Aleut village as "Sel(o) Chernovskoe" or "Chernofski Village." Baker (1906 , p. 173) says, "In 1831 it consisted of 4 huts (yourts) and 44 people." The population was 70 in 1874; 101 in 1880; 78 in 1890. A US Weather Bureau station was located here during World War II.
Alimuda Bay, Aspid Bay, Boulder Bay, Chernofski Harbor, Mailboat Cove, Mutton Cove, No Name Cove, Station Bay, Surveyor Bay,
Capes:Aspid Cape, Cape Aiak, Cape Izigan, Chernofski Point, Cutter Point, Observatory Point, Paso Point, Peacock Point, Ram Point, Ranchers Point, Serpent Point, Wedge Point, West Point,
Islands:Mountains:Mount Aspid, Mount Kimble, Lone Peak, Mount Tum Tum,