along right bank of Kuzitrin River, 45 mi. E of Teller and 53 mi. NE of Nome, Seward Peninsula High.
The settlement of Lanes Landing was established about 1901 at the ford where the trail from Nome to the Kougarok gold mining region crossed the Kuzitrin River. The settlement was probably named for Charles D. Lane, who started building the Seward Peninsula Railroad at Nome in 1900 and completed it to here in 1906 (Cole, 1953, p. 13). In 1907 the Shelton Post Office was established here and the village picked up the name. Balcom (1965, p. 30) states that Shelton "was active from 1907 to 1918," the same year the post office was discontinued.
Birch Hill, Bunker Hill, Hen and Chickens Mountain,
Mountains:Streams:Atlas Creek, Badger Creek, Bill Creek, Camp Creek, Carrigan Creek, Cary Creek, Checkers Creek, Coffee Creek, Dahl Creek, Deep Creek, Dome Creek, Golden Gate Creek, Hooligan Creek, Idaho Creek, Independence Creek, Joe Creek, Labaree Creek, Left Fork Windy Creek, Little Ptarmigan Creek, Lucky Dog Creek, Maud Creek, Niagara Creek, North Fork Quartz Creek, Paystreak Creek, Pike Creek, Ptarmigan Creek, Sherrette Creek, Whelan Creek,
Valleys:Mauze Gulch, Ryan Gulch, Wonder Gulch,