site of village on N bank of Koyukuk River NE of its junction with Kanuti River, 7.5 mi. SE of Allakalet; Hogatza High.
named by prospectors for the operator of the trading post; reported in 1899 by T. G. Gerdine (in Schrader, 1900, pl. 60), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). height of the Koyukuk gold rush because it was a transfer point for supplies and was situated near the head of navigation for the larger riverboats on Koyukuk. abandoned on 1913 map.
Arctic City, Bergman, Konootena Village,
Cliffs:Lakes:Rapids:Rivers:Kanuti River, Mentanontli River,
Streams:Streams:Bergman Creek, Sinyalak Creek, Unatlotly Creek,