heads in Mulgrave Hills, flows SW 23 mi. to Chukchi Sea, 24 mi. N of Cape Krusenstern; Kotzebue-Kobuk Low.
local name reported in 1950 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS). is a translation of the Eskimo name.
Tasaitsat Angayukangak Lagoon,
Cliffs:Hills:Lakes:Imik Lagoon, Kotlik Lagoon, Tagiunituk Lakes, Tasaitsat Lagoons, Tasaychek Lagoon,
Mountains:Tahinichok Mountains, Tukingak Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Streams:Agagrak Creek, Jade Creek, Kilikmak Creek, New Heart Creek, Rabbit Creek, Umagatsiak Creek,