approx. 715 mi. long; heads in the White Mountains National Recreation Area (Bureau of Land Management), 3.6 mi. NNW of Table Top Mountain, 12 mi. SE of Cache Mountain, flows W, NE, then W through Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge to enter Beaver Slough, a side channel of the Yukon River, 9.5 mi. SSW of Beaver, 9.6 mi. E of Timber Point. Tps16,17,15-9, Rgs1-8E; Tps9-6N, R1W; and Tps6-7, Rgs1-4E, Fairbanks Meridian
Local name published in 1867 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS); this stream probably was the "Nocotocargut," meaning "mouth of the Nokot," reported in 1867 by the Western Union Telegraph Expedition. A proposal to change the name to the Gwich'in name Tsèenjik River was not approved by the BGN in 2017.
Bear Creek, Brigham Creek, Colorado Creek, Montana Creek, Moose Creek, Nome Creek, O-Brien Creek, Ophir Creek, Roy Creek, Sheep Creek, Trail Creek, Victoria Creek, Wickersham Creek, Willow Creek,
Joe Guay Island, Whirlpool Island,
Lakes:Argo Bill Lake, Beaverdam Lake, Big Lake, Elbow Lake, Greenhorn Lake, Island Lake, North Fork Lake, Pitka Lake, Sunken Lake, Sweeney Lake, Twin Lakes,
Mountain Passes:Streams:Streams:Beaver Creek, Beaver Slough, Whirlpool Slough,