flows SW 8 mi. to North Fork Koyukuk River, 8 mi. NW of Apoon Mtn. and 42 mi. N of Wiseman; Brooks Range
named in 1930 by Marshall (1956, p. 49) who wrote, "* * * the north divide consited of the unusual group of almost equally high peaks in perfect alinement * * *."
Amawk Mountain, Apoon Mountain, Cockedhat Mountain, Mount Doonerak, Inclined Mountain, Midnight Mountain, North Peak, Snowheel Mountain, Twoprong Mountain, Whiteface Mountain, Wien Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Holmes Pass, Kinnorutin Pass, Naqsralugiaq Pass, Peregrine Pass,
Streams:Alinement Creek, Amawk Creek, Barrenland Creek, Holmes Creek, Karillyukpuk Creek, Pinnyanaktuk Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Saint Patricks Creek,