Information About

Russian Ridge

Quick Facts

Open in The Map Russian Ridge on The Map


51 ° 58' 30" N,
177 ° 22' 14.999" E


Aleutians West (CA)

Nearest City


Russian Ridge in Detail.


2.5 mi. NE of Lief Cove, west-central Kiska I., Aleutian Islands.


One of many arbitrary names applied to features of Kiska I. by U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) for tactical purposes during World War II.

Places Near Russian Ridge

Andy Cove, Angel Cove, April Inlet, Autumn Bight, Bamboo Bay, Barley Cove, Beach Cove, Bluff Cove, Chicken Cove, Christine Bight, Conquer Bay, Corvie Bay, Cotton Cove, Dark Cove, Ethel Cove, Gertrude Cove, Gulliver Cove, Jeff Cove, Kernel Cove, Kiska Harbor, Left Cove, Lief Cove, Lilliput Cove, Model Cove, Mutt Cove, Nam-hadan Udaa, Quisling Cove, Reynard Cove, Salmon Lagoon, Sargeant Cove, Sinbad Cove, Spring Cove, Summer Cove, Turkey Cove, Vega Bay, Wheat Cove, Worship Cove,


Broad Beach, Canary Beach, Foggy Beach,


Barnacle Point, Bukhti Point, Cape Saint Stephen, Cobra Peninsula, Conquer Point, Hamburger Point, Hammer Point, Hatchet Point, Lug Point, North Head, Sub Point, Vega Point, Vulcan Point, Whale Point, Witchcraft Point, Wolf Point,


Fair Hill, Fairy Hill, Faith Hill, Fantasy Knob, Farmer Hill, Fawn Hill, Filthy Hill, Fish Hill, Flag Hill, Flower Hill, Foggy Hill, Fool Hill, Ford Hill, Fowl Hill, Fox Hill, Frank Hill, Front Hill, Fruit Hill, Fur Mountain, Furlough Hill, Fuse Hill, Gander Hill, Gas Hill, Gentle Hill, Germ Hill, Gland Hill, Goat Hill, Goose Hill, Gory Hill, Hood Hill, Hoosier Hill, Howling Hill, Jesus Hill, Kemp Hill, Killem Hill, Kiss Hill, Knee Hill, Knob Hill, Labor Hill, Lace Hill, Lad Hill, Lady Hill, Lame Hill, Lance Hill, Lard Hill, Lark Hill, Larry Hill, Lasso Hill, Lastex Hill, Latch Hill, Latin Hill, Layman Hill, Lead Hill, Leak Hill, Lean Hill, Leap Hill, Leather Hill, Leech Hill, Leer Hill, Lentil Hill, Leo Hill, Libel Hill, Lilac Hill, Locust Hill, Lodge Hill, Loot Hill, Loud Hill, Lousy Hill, Loyd Hill, Lulu Hill, Magician Hill, Malay Hill, Male Hill, Mandarin Hill, Mangy Hill, Maniac Hill, Map Hill, Maple Hill, Marble Hill, Mason Hill, Mastoid Hill, Mattress Hill, Max Hill, Menu Hill, Merchandise Peaks, Mercy Hill, Metal Hill, Meteor Hill, Middle Hill, Mike Hill, Mill Hill, Minute Hill, Mission Hill, Model Hill, Monument Hill, Morgan Hill, Mucker Hill, Reveille Hill, Revolt Hill, Rich Hill, Riddle Hills, Risk Hill, Robber Hill, Rose Hill, Rusty Hill,


Blue Jay Rock, Buzzard Rock, Imuqudaagis, Kiska Island, Pillar Rock, Sobaka Rock, Sparrow Rocks, Sturdevant Rock, Swallow Rocks,


Anvil Lakes, Arrow Lake, Big Flash Lake, Christine Lake, East Kennel Lake, East Killem Lake, East Kiska Lake, Fan Lake, Fixem Lake, Form Lake, Freak Lake, Frieda Lake, Gaudy Lake, Genius Lake, Gentle Lake, Glass Lake, Green Lake, Grey Lake, Keg Lakes, Kennel Lakes, Lass Lake, Leaky Lake, Leather Lake, Leper Lake, Leuel Lake, Little Flash Lake, Liver Lakes, Lodge Lake, Log Lakes, Look Lake, Love Lakes, Lunatic Lake, Maiden Lake, Middle Kiska Lake, Moron Lake, North Gland Lake, Rat Lake, Rattlesnake Lake, Restless Lake, Riddle Lake, Robber Lake, South Gland Lake, Trout Lagoon, West Gland Lake, West Kiska Lake,


Face Mountain, Faint Mountain, Fan Mountain, Far Hill, Fat Mountain, Fatal Hill, Foot Mountain, Fossil Mountain, Key Hill, Lore Hill, Loren Hill, Magic Mountain, Ranger Hill, Rex Hill, Riot Hill,

Mountain Passes:

Cloudy Pass, Middle Pass, Rainy Pass, Salmon Pass, Williwaw Pass,

Mountain Ranges:

Fender Hills, Lamp Hills, Lash Hills, Lawson Hills, Leaf Hills, Leg Hills, Legend Hills, Link Hills, Lion Hills, Loyal Hills, Maneuver Hills, Rooster Hills,


Alfalfa Ridge, Cornfield Ridge, Funeral Ridge, Hangmans Ridge, Jut Ridge, Lane Ridge, Major Ridge, Monkey Ridge, Persian Ridge, Rattlesnake Ridge, Robert Ridge, Russian Ridge, Tropical Ridge,


Artist Creek, Bubbling Brook, Cooper Creek, Fall Creek, Fern Creek, Fin Creek, Fish Creek, Ford Creek, Fork Hill, Four F Creek, Fresh Creek, Golden Creek, Good Creek, Hatch Creek, Kitten Creek, Lame Creek, Lantern Creek, Lazy Creek, Lemon Brook, Lemon Creek, Lick Creek, Lilly Creek, Limpid Creek, Lisbon Creek, Liver Creek, Lobster Creek, Loon Creek, Louse Creek, Magician Creek, Major Creek, Majority Creek, Manhattan Creek, Manila Creek, Maylay Creek, Menace Creek, Mike Creek, Milton Creek, Minor Creek, Model Creek, Moose Creek, Raft Creek, Rainbow Creek, Random Creek, Robin Creek,