on SW Kiska I., Aleutian Islands.
HistoryAn arbitrary name beginning with "f" to correspond to "f" grid used by the U. S. Army for tactical purposes during World War II; published on a 1953 Army Map Service (AMS) map.
Angel Cove, April Inlet, Autumn Bight, Chicken Cove, Corvie Bay, Dark Cove, Ethel Cove, Gulliver Cove, Kernel Cove, Lief Cove, Lilliput Cove, Quisling Cove, Sinbad Cove, Spring Cove, Summer Cove, Turkey Cove, Vega Bay,
Beaches:Capes:Cape Saint Stephen, Vega Point,
Hills:Fair Hill, Fairy Hill, Faith Hill, Fantasy Knob, Farmer Hill, Fawn Hill, Filthy Hill, Fish Hill, Flag Hill, Flower Hill, Foggy Hill, Fool Hill, Ford Hill, Fowl Hill, Fox Hill, Frank Hill, Front Hill, Fruit Hill, Fur Mountain, Furlough Hill, Fuse Hill, Gas Hill, Germ Hill, Jesus Hill, Kemp Hill, Killem Hill, Kiss Hill, Knee Hill, Knob Hill, Labor Hill, Lace Hill, Lame Hill, Lard Hill, Lark Hill, Larry Hill, Lasso Hill, Latch Hill, Latin Hill, Lead Hill, Lean Hill, Leap Hill, Leather Hill, Lentil Hill, Libel Hill, Lodge Hill, Lulu Hill,
Islands:Lakes:Anvil Lakes, Arrow Lake, Big Flash Lake, East Kennel Lake, East Killem Lake, Fan Lake, Fixem Lake, Form Lake, Freak Lake, Frieda Lake, Glass Lake, Keg Lakes, Kennel Lakes, Leaky Lake, Leather Lake, Leper Lake, Leuel Lake, Little Flash Lake, Liver Lakes, Lodge Lake, Love Lakes,
Mountains:Face Mountain, Faint Mountain, Fan Mountain, Far Hill, Fat Mountain, Fatal Hill, Foot Mountain, Fossil Mountain, Key Hill,
Mountain Passes:Mountain Ranges:Fender Hills, Lawson Hills, Leg Hills, Legend Hills, Link Hills, Lion Hills,
Ridges:Funeral Ridge, Hangmans Ridge, Jut Ridge, Persian Ridge, Russian Ridge,
Streams:Artist Creek, Fall Creek, Fern Creek, Fin Creek, Ford Creek, Fork Hill, Four F Creek, Fresh Creek, Golden Creek, Good Creek, Kitten Creek, Lame Creek, Lazy Creek, Lilly Creek, Limpid Creek, Liver Creek, Loon Creek,