Information About

Mount Igikpak

Mount Igikpak

Quick Facts
  • Northwest Arctic
Nearest City:
  • 5846 ft (1781.86 m)

in Schwatka Mts., at head of Noatak River, Brooks Range

History of Mount Igikpak

Eskimo name reported by Orth, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1956 to refer in meaning to "two big peaks" and may refer to the two high rock columns that form the top of the mountain. It is the highest peak in the western Brooks Range.

Places Near Mount Igikpak
Hot Springs:

Reed River Hot Spring,


Mount Igikpak, Mount Papiok,

Mountain Passes:

Akurekvik Pass, Angiaak Pass, Angiaak Pass, Gull Pass,

Mountain Ranges:

Schwatka Mountains,


Inyuilak Creek, Lucky Six Creek, Tupik Creek,