Information About

Mastodon Dome

Mastodon Dome

Quick Facts
  • Yukon-Koyukuk (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 4117 ft (1254.86 m)

46 mi. SW of Circle, Yukon-Tanana High.

Mastodon Dome is a bald dome, north of Fairbanks on the Steese Highway.

From it flows Mastodon Creek, from which it got its name.

Getting To Mastodon Dome

From Fairbanks head north on the Steese Highway about 100 miles, turn right (south) on to Miller Creek Rd / Mastadon Dome Rd. If you cross the bridge over Mammoth Creek you just missed the turn. There should be a Mammoth Creek sign at the bridge. The road follows Mammoth Creek, stay to the left twice. You'll need to park at the end and hike up the along the creek and a little west to the summit.

History of Mastodon Dome

Named by prospectors; reported in 1896 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Spurr, 1898, pl. 39).Naming: Mastodon Dome was a name given by local prospectors and recorded in 1896 by USGS. It was named after the creek in which fossil mastodon bones were found in the "muck" along the creek.