trend NE-SW on right bank of Yukon River, 21 mi. NE of Ruby, Kokrines-Hodzana High.
It is hard to determine when this name or an equivalent was used first. The first known reference appears to be 1902 manuscript map by A. J. Collier, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). These mountains are probably the same, in part, as those called "Suquonilla range of mountains" in 1869 by Captain Raymond (1871, p. 23), USA. Named for the village of Kokrines.
Horner Hot Springs (historical), Hot Springs, Melozi Springs,
Islands:Emerald Island, Fox Island, Hardluck Island, Mickey Island,
Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Streams:Big Creek, Glacier Creek, Junekaket Creek, Reindeer Creek, Ukawutni Creek, Victor Slough,