joins Kagati Lake at its W terminus, 1 mi. N of Nuklunek Mtn. and 75 mi. NE of Goodnews, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.
Eskimo name shown on an 1898 fieldsheet by W. S. Post, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); published by Spurr (1900, map 10) as "Kagati Lake." Both Pegati and Kagati Lakes were called "Kanektuk Lake" in 1923 on a U. S. Bureau of Education map.
Ata-ai-ach Mountain, Atayak Mountain, Nuklunek Mountain, Mount Oratia, Outuchiwenat Mountain,
Mountain Ranges:Ouchklune Range, Tuntut Mountains,
Streams:Arsenic Creek, Atmugiak Creek, Aukamunuk Creek, Gemuk Creek, Rainy Creek,