59 ° 58' 35.054" N,
166 ° 14' 35.628" W
Bethel (CA)
1 mi (1.61 km)
443 ft (135.03 m)
12 mi. N of Cape Mendenhall, Nunivak I.
HistoryEskimo name reported in 1949 to refer to the "river head" according to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS).
Bays:Beaches:Bangookbit Dunes, Bangookthleet Dunes, Nunathloogagamiutbingoi Dunes,
Capes:Cape Mendenhall, Irwakyaruk Point,
Craters:Binalik Crater, Nanwaksjiak Crater,
Hills:Ingrijoak Hill, Ingrilukat-Naskorat Hill, Ingriruk Hill, Kimijooksuk Butte,
Islands:Kaksajookalik Island, Nunivak Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Routes:Cities: